Collection: Backplate And Wing BCDs

Introducing our Backplate and Wing BCs, designed to revolutionize your diving experience with unparalleled customization options tailored to your unique needs and preferences. Say goodbye to one-size-fits-all solutions, and dive into a world of endless possibilities.

Endless Options for Customization:
Our backplate and wing bcs offers a wide array of customisation options, from varying backplate sizes and shapes to various webbing stiffness as well as different wing shapes and sizes . Say farewell to limited choices and welcome a backplate and wing setup built specifically for your body type, diving style, and preferences. Enhance your comfort, control, and safety underwater with gear that is tailored to your specifications.

Tailored Backplate Options:

Choose from a range of backplate sizes and shapes, including the Midi-Plate for divers with shorter torsos and the H-Plate for those seeking a travel-friendly backplate and wing BCs. Experience optimal stability, weight distribution, and freedom of movement, allowing for easy buoyancy control and maneuverability during your dives.

Various Webbing Stiffness:
Select the webbing stiffness level that best suits your configuration and needs, whether you prefer stiffer webbing for twinsets or softer, more comfortable webbing for single tanks. Dive with confidence knowing that your backplate and wing harness provides a secure and comfortable fit, enhancing your overall diving experience.  Our range of backplate and wing options are designed to suit different body proportions. Whether you're tall or short, our wings provide optimal lift and buoyancy control for perfect trim and balance underwater. Dive confidently with wings tailored to your body proportions while being available in a variety of colors to suit your style.

Harness Options for Ultimate Comfort:
Choose between a traditional DIR-Style harness or a Comfort Harness with shoulder padding and adjustable pull tabs for easy customization. Dive with optimal support and stability, allowing you to focus on the wonders of the underwater world without distractions. Visit us to explore the available options and try on our backplates and wing bcs to experience the perfect fit firsthand.

Let us work with you to customize the backplate and wing systems of your dreams. Transform your diving experience with our Backplate and Wing BCs, and dive confidently into an underwater adventure tailored to your preferences. Say hello to a new level of comfort, control, and customization on every dive. Unleash your inner explorer and immerse yourself in the beauty of the underwater world like never before.

6 products